Resort Food and Beverage Manager in Charge of a Convention? Tips to Make Things Go Smoothly

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Resort Food and Beverage Manager in Charge of a Convention? Tips to Make Things Go Smoothly

30 September 2016
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you are the food and beverage manager at a resort, you know how important it is for everything in the kitchen and in front of the hotel to be perfect. If the hotel you work in is hosting a convention, you are likely in charge of much of it. If so, below are some tips to help things go smoothly for you.

Use Table Toppers

If people will be sitting at a table for much of the convention, consider purchasing table toppers for the tables. These toppers are generally made of heavy-gauge aluminum steel and provide stain and heat resistance. You can find these table toppers in a variety of colors and in custom sizes. This saves you a lot of time having to launder linens when the convention is over and will add elegance to the convention. 

Use Table Placards

If the convention is large, set up the seating plan before the event and put name placards on the tables. This will save people a lot of time, as they will know exactly where they should sit. You can find placards made in a variety of materials and shapes. If you are using table toppers, you can find them made of aluminum to match the table.

Hire an Audio-Visual Technician

If you will be using technical equipment such as video cameras, speakers and microphones at the convention, you need to make sure everything is set up correctly. To do this, you can hire an audio-visual technician (AVT). Ask the AVT if they can stay at the convention in case something goes wrong with the equipment.

Create an Emergency Kit

Create an emergency kit to have on hand during the convention. If someone has a headache, they may come to you for medication. If someone cuts their finger, you will need to have bandages ready. Include some stain-removal wipes in case someone spills something on their clothing. A small sewing kit would also be beneficial just in case it is needed. The kit should include safety pins, scissors, and even paper clips for a quick fix.

Plan for Dietary Restrictions

You should plan for all dietary restrictions just in case alternative food is needed. You may have people at the convention that are diabetic, allergic to peanuts, intolerant of gluten, or vegetarian. Providing a menu with a variety of foods can help with this problem, as everyone should be able to find something they would like.

You should not have any problems at your convention if you follow these tips. Look at the selections of companies like Laguna Spandex Linens to find out what products are available to you.