Protecting Your Import/Export Business: Maritime Security Options
When you import and export very valuable items, you want to be sure that everything you have coming in and going out on a ship is safe. Maritime security is not always at its best, regardless of where your cargo takes port. The following solutions are the best ones to assist you in protecting every shipment that comes in or goes out.
Lots of Brawn
It goes without saying that security guards are an absolute must with your import/export business. However, to cover the kind of security you would need to protect both your shipments on the wharf and the shipments on the freighters means you need to triple or double the number of guards you have on your security payroll. It also means that you need to hire really brawny people who know martial arts and can definitely handle a weapon other than a nightstick or a billy club. With guards positioned exactly where you need them around the clock, your shipments are protected and secure.
Alarm Systems
If you are going to protect really valuable imports and exports, the items should be equipped with high-tech alarm systems. The easier, louder, and more alarming the alarms are, the less likely thieves will attempt to steal your cargo. Alarm system companies that specialize in commercial and maritime protection systems will have what you need--research them (and the systems they offer) extensively.
Most imported and exported goods come in and go out in cargo boxes. While you can certainly use these and lock them up tightly, most locks are easy enough to open with bolt cutters. That said, you may want to invest in shipping vaults. Most of these vaults are only big enough to transport items like guns, missile launchers, jewelry, etc. You might be able to ask the vault manufacturers to create larger shipping vaults for bigger items like cars or motorcycles. Only the people who know the codes to these vaults can open them and most thieves would not risk explosives to get the goods inside the vault.
Military-Grade Weapons
If you have imported and exported goods that are worth millions, and you have the clearance to secure your goods with security guards and military-grade weapons, that might be an option. This is only an option for extreme cases, but the option is listed here in case you ever have priceless goods to protect. If you ever need this option, you will need to get clearance from The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE).