5 Resume Tips To Capture The Attention Of Staffing Agencies
Whether you are reaching out to a staffing agency like Nesco Resource or a manufacturing plant, employers will expect that your resume is in tip-top shape. When you write a compelling resume, you convince a staffing agency to reach out to you. If you are trying to craft the perfect resume to turn in to a staffing agency, it is important that you follow these tips.
1. Get in touch with staffing agencies, not just a manufacturing hiring manager.
You may have a better chance to reach a staffing agency, as they are more in the know about hiring practices of local companies and manufacturing positions. Additionally, staffing agencies may have employees who can help you determine which positions will be best suited for your skills and talents.
2. Add words from the job description to your resume.
The best way to show that you are suited for a position is to use keywords to reach out to those hiring. It is best to mimic the job description you have read, using at least three to five keywords. Not only does this show that you read the description carefully, but it also demonstrates that you understand the demands of the position you are applying for.
3. Make your resume easy to skim.
Resumes are easy to skim when you use good titles, bolding, and italics as necessary. It is also a good idea to use bullet points to list skills and work duties. Who do you think the staffing agent is going to be more impressed by -- the person who made their resume easy to read or the person whose resume was difficult to read?
4. Use a simple, thin font.
Georgia and Tahoma are both great fonts to use in your resume. The perfect resume looks clean, crisp, and easy to read. The font you use can also demonstrate maturity and effort. This means you should avoid something like Comic Sans.
5. Delete any information that is irrelevant or out of date.
If information does not pertain to the job at hand, it is smart to delete it and save it for a different type of resume. Most likely, your babysitting and tutoring experience will not be relevant to your job in a manufacturing plant. If you have other information to put on your resume, you can leave out unrelated experience.
Your resume should be suited for both a manufacturing company and your staffing agency. Take great time and care in crafting a resume that will impress readers.