Planning A Do-It-Yourself Approach? Why You Need To Use A Professional Gear Cutting Service

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Planning A Do-It-Yourself Approach? Why You Need To Use A Professional Gear Cutting Service

7 October 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you go through a lot of gears in your line of work, you may think it's a good idea to take care of the cutting on your own. While that might seem like an efficient way to go, it can actually lead to a lot of problems. Gear cutting requires a great deal of precision work, and attention to detail, which is one reason to choose a professional gear cutting service. But there are other reasons as well. Here are four more reasons why you need to work with a professional gear cutting service. 

Avoid Accidents and Injuries

If you've decided to cut your own gears, you should think about your safety. If you're not careful during the gear cutting process, you could end up with some serious injuries, especially to your hands and eyes. Unfortunately, if you're injured on the job, you may be out of work for a while. This can undermine the success of your business. To avoid accidents and injuries, it's a good idea for you to choose a professional gear cutting service instead. Not only do they have the training it takes to avoid injuries, but they also have the safety equipment that's needed for protection. 

Ensure Proper Procedures

If you've never cut gears before, you might not be familiar with the steps that go into the process. Unfortunately, that lack of knowledge can lead to complications. That's why you need to work with a professional gear cutting service. They'll ensure that the proper procedures are followed throughout the gear cutting process. Those steps include hobbing, grinding, and shaping. 


Hobbing is a method used for cutting the teeth into the gears you'll be using. If the hobbing process isn't done right, the teeth won't have a proper fit, which means the gears won't work. 


If you need helical gears, your grinding service will use a milling machine to create the grooves and teeth needed for this type of gear. 


Shaping is also used to create the gears you'll need for your operations. Shaping doesn't require multiple cuts. In fact, it's done in one continuous motion around the gear. 

Avoid Expensive Investments

Finally, if you plan to cut your own gears, you should consider the upfront investment. Before you can begin cutting your own gears, you'll need to invest in the equipment you'll need. This can be a costly venture. The best way to save money is to work with a professional gear cutting service.